Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Short Story Competition For SA

Dear Readers

If you are a Writer or want to be a Writer this competition is for you.

Presented by Mondays At St Clements this short story competition now in its third year
is open for entries.

Precisely 100 words, no more, no less.

This short story competition is in celebration of National Short Story Day.

Here are the rules:

  • length:  100 words (excluding title) 
  • stories of more or less than 100 words will be disqualified
  • entries by email to kwasuka1@mweb.co.za
  • state author's name and wordcount
  • use large font: eg Times New Roman 14pt.
  • author of winning story will receive a presentation box of wine
  • stories will be adjudicated by David Basckin 
  • author's names will be deleted for adjudication
  • a maximum number of 5 entries per person
  • stories submitted for previous competitions will not be accepted
  • closing date:  Monday 3 June 2013
  • the top ten stories will be published in le petit dejeuner 3 
  • all stories will be read at Mondays At St Clements over 2 nights 
Best of luck! 

Source - Mondays At St Clements